Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fave Websites

These are some awesome, entertaining, and funny websites that are some of my faves (besides Facebook, Blogger, etc.):

Humor: (Music & Culture for People Who Love Charts) (Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos) (Funny Look-Alikes and Doppelgangers) (Funny English Mistakes) (Lol Celebs and All That's Fab Funny in Showbiz) (A Visual Collection of Epic Wins from the Past) (America's Only Humor & Video Site, Since 1958) (It's Funny, it's True, Except When it Happens to You)

Entertainment: (Burn Your Boredom) (Create Pets & Play Games) (Who Do You Want to be Today?) (Free Online Games for Girls - Makeovers, Fashion) (Broadcast Yourself - Videos)

Stores: (Online Auctions) (Buy & Sell Online) (Clothing Store) (Mod, Retro, Indie Clothing) (Utah Classified Ads)

Info: (Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix) (Ask Questions, Share Knowledge, Help Others, Earn Points) (Free Online Encyclopedia) (Articles on All Topics)

Fun: (Reinvent Your Desktop - Wallpapers) (Names & Meanings) (Recipes) (Quotes) (Vampire Musings for Vampire Nerds, by Vampire Nerds) (Anonymous Secrets) (Humane Society) (Pets for Sale/ Adoption)

Media: (Concert & Event Listings & Tickets) (Library) (Inspiring Images) (Now Playing & Upcoming Movies) (Movie Theatres) (Watch Your Favorite TV Shows for Free) (Rent Movies) (Graywhale) (Music Info. & Videos)

My Tragic Flaw

Sometimes I get so frustrated with myself. I know I am a great person and have some really good qualities and a lot to offer people. But sometimes, I don't let this be seen. I freeze up and can't say the things I think in my head. Or sometimes I just go blank. I do not like this, because I don't want to ruin things for myself. It's easier for me to talk and freely be myself when I know someone well, but why can't I be like that all the time? I'm tired of it. Or maybe I really have done nothing with my life and I just can't relate to people because I don't compare to them. I do not like this feeling... I guess we'll see. I guess I can only try my best each day and in each situation and see what comes of it. I just don't want to have regrets. I want to know I did my best. But a lot of times I disappoint myself. Maybe I'm too hard on myself, too much of a perfectionist. I know I have a lot of fears that hold me back. This is my tragic flaw. I have struggled with this in my life and I've come a long way just from the sheer power of my mind over matter and forcing myself to face things that I would otherwise avoid. And these things are easier and I've been able to relate more to people with time and repetition. I just wish it came naturally to me is all. I hope that some people can see the real me and understand me. Maybe I just need to keep certain empowering phrases at the fore-front of my mind at all times: Just do it. (haha, oh Nike, what a great phrase.) Be positive. Be happy. You can do this. You're beautiful, smart, sweet, and unique. Don't care what people think. Try your best. Be yourself. Today is a new day. Or, in the words of my favorite band Stars, Today will be better, I swear.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Being Nice Doesn't Always Mean I Want You

I asked this question on Facebook about a month ago and got some good responses:

Ashley Schmidt wonders why, oh why, guys think that just because I'm nice to them (because I'm nice to everyone), they think I like them or they have a chance with me or something. Can't I just be nice? And since when does being nice to someone give them the right to pester you? Then you have to be a heartbreaker. Geez...

Maybe those particular guys aren't usually treated very nice.. Or, maybe they like you, and they think it's obvious to you, so when you're nice back and don't "turn" from it, they think you like them. Just a thought.

Ashley Schmidt:
Yeah, I think you're absolutely right about all of what you said.

Haha.. I've had personal experience with it.. Only the other way around.

Ashley Schmidt:

Haha.. No, no sadness. Like I said, I was in the better position. :)

Ashley Schmidt:
Hmm, that's good. :) Sometimes it's just hard, because not everyone is meant to be together, but you still want to be nice and friendly, and when they take it the wrong way and they go for someone just because they give them the time of day and not because they actually like you, it just doesn't go well. I don't know, it's confusing.

maybe they're attracted to nice people? i'm a nice guy, i like nice girls.

Ashley Schmidt:
Yeah, thanks for your thoughts guys, it helps. I just don't like people to be sad.

You both make good points. :). It's true though, people get hurt when they only have the kindest of intentions. But getting turned down is practice for helping them realize how the game works. Just be nice when you do it is all. Haha

totally, and be upfront...nothing is worse than being lead on

Ashley Schmidt:
Yeah, that's probably my problem, I should be more upfront from the start. Thanks for the advice. It helps to see how girls and guys view this stuff!

I totally agree with you on that! I often wonder the same thing!

Ashley Schmidt:
Well AS, we learn something new every day!

if you are having a situation remarkably similar to mine than I am soo sorry

You are so cute Ashley!! You are the nicest person in the world!!

Ashley Schmidt:
AL, kind of, but not as creepy. I hope everything goes ok for you with that. Let me know if he bothers you. It's not too big of a deal, it's just something that has happened to me several times and I was just trying to figure out why. And KM, thanks, you're so sweet! I try, but of course I have my bad days too when I'm stressed and not so nice. Haha :) And, by the way, you're probably nicer than me!

Ashley Schmidt:
Just for an example: This semester in one of my classes, this nerdy guy (and I have a soft spot for nerds, come on, I'm pretty much a nerd!) picked me out for whatever reason on the 2nd day of class. I was introducing myself to the girls next to me and he introduced himself to us. Then, everyday after class, he was waiting out in the hall for me and I had no choice but to walk to my next class with him tagging along. And I obliged him with conversation and after a couple times, he asked if we could study some time and I was like, maybe, I don't know. And he was like, well I should get your number in case we need to meet up. So, what did I do? I gave it to him! Mistake. I told him I was very busy and blah blah blah. But he texted me every single day!! First, he asked stupid questions about class, and then about personal things like my schedule and where I live. Kinda creepy actually. He even texted me at midnight when I had work early the next morning and that really

Ashley Schmidt:
(continued)... pissed me off. So, he sat next to me in the next class and waited outside for me after, and I just pretended like I didn't see him and walked right on by. He still caught up to me and talked to me. But since then, he's stayed completely away. I guess he got the message. I know that was totally mean of me and I could've handled the situation differently, but now I know. Because this situation isn't even the main situation I was thinking about when I posted this staus. Anyways, thanks for your feedback guys and sorry I wrote so much!! Now I'm off to class! Yep, that one! haha

Some guys just come on too strong which is uncomfortable. Its a shame because it would be nice to just be friends.

I learned that when I was in high school, and a guy really really liked me, and I didn't like him at all, and instead of just saying.. I'm not interested.. I secretly planned for him to start flirted and dating my friend. Holy cow it totally worked. I than realized.. it would of been a lof faster if I just told him, so that is what I do! :)

Ashley Schmidt:
Yep, good thoughts gals!