Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Tragic Flaw

Sometimes I get so frustrated with myself. I know I am a great person and have some really good qualities and a lot to offer people. But sometimes, I don't let this be seen. I freeze up and can't say the things I think in my head. Or sometimes I just go blank. I do not like this, because I don't want to ruin things for myself. It's easier for me to talk and freely be myself when I know someone well, but why can't I be like that all the time? I'm tired of it. Or maybe I really have done nothing with my life and I just can't relate to people because I don't compare to them. I do not like this feeling... I guess we'll see. I guess I can only try my best each day and in each situation and see what comes of it. I just don't want to have regrets. I want to know I did my best. But a lot of times I disappoint myself. Maybe I'm too hard on myself, too much of a perfectionist. I know I have a lot of fears that hold me back. This is my tragic flaw. I have struggled with this in my life and I've come a long way just from the sheer power of my mind over matter and forcing myself to face things that I would otherwise avoid. And these things are easier and I've been able to relate more to people with time and repetition. I just wish it came naturally to me is all. I hope that some people can see the real me and understand me. Maybe I just need to keep certain empowering phrases at the fore-front of my mind at all times: Just do it. (haha, oh Nike, what a great phrase.) Be positive. Be happy. You can do this. You're beautiful, smart, sweet, and unique. Don't care what people think. Try your best. Be yourself. Today is a new day. Or, in the words of my favorite band Stars, Today will be better, I swear.