Sunday, November 15, 2009

Not All Girls Are Like That

I had to post another Facebook conversation on here because some interesting stuff came up and I wanted to remember it. Surprisingly, some great conversations with valuable information about how guys and girls view things come up. Basically, a guy friend of mine and his friend seemed to think that every girl they knew or dated ended up marrying someone who was old, bald, and rich. Another girl and I responded to them and let them know that that's not always how it is and gave them some advice.

Old, Bald, and Rich... apparently those are the three things that I lack...

you forgot why you lack them.... apparently these are the three things ALL girls look for in guys...... especially all my ex-girlfriends....

SL... that is correct...

ur friend SL is mistaken...not ALL girls look for old bald and rich, look at me i don't want ANY of those and i'm a girl :D

i think that's what i'm going to write my exploratory paper on..... it's so fascinating how this phenomenon happens....

hey NMF, i don't know. just send me a picture of the dude you get married to and we'll see, ha ha. me and BR just were thinking one night of all the guys these girls have married and they had all those three things in common

Ashley Schmidt:
Wow guys, you are just silly! I don't even know what you're talking about! That is not always true! Maybe you just haven't met the right type of girl and need to branch out from the girls you typically know who are like this.

Ashley Schmidt:
Sorry guys, one more thing... I promise you not ALL girls look for those things, but the ones that do, don't even worry about it. Maybe they're happy and maybe they're not. And if they're not, it's their loss, honestly, because they didn't see what truly matters. Haha, ok sorry, we just talked about this in school and I was just thinking about it!

hahaha SL! ummm the man i will marry will not be bald, rich or old silly silly. when that time comes i'll prove it to u! and like ashley said you need to branch out and find the right girls...these girls you seem to run into um appear to be looking for the wrong things yup lol :D

i don't know what it is ha ha, true true, branching out is a good idea, Here's a question..... where are those types of girls that aren't like that...... cause it seems all my life it's been like this...........ha ha.....

well SL the key...these girls are ALL around you you just have to know what to look for and apaprently you're lookin' for the wrong things and possibly the wrong girls :D

Ashley Schmidt:
Yes, true. And sometimes it's hard to tell, but...
1. Maybe you're talking to some right now, haha. Just kidding :)
2. Maybe not in Utah? No, just kidding, you can find them here, I promise.
3. Ask yourself, what do you typically look for? You can't go only for looks, attraction is good, but that's just the lowest step. There has to be more than that. Friendship is good, common interest, things to talk about or enjoy or find interesting about each other, even if you're different. Then, I would say look for someone who is smart and I don't know, not so naive in a way that they're not very intellectual. Also look for people who are caring and compassionate, girls who help others, and work hard because these girls will truly care about you and not just money or age or whatever the problem is. So where do you find these girls? Everywhere, and I would say good places such as school. Maybe places that you enjoy and you'll meet some girl who does too. Just get to know different people, look for different things than you usually do, and just be yourself and live your life the best you can because there will be someone that you just click with. It happens. Honestly, don't even worry. Don't feel pressure or something from those people getting married. Everything will all work out and you never know when you'll meet someone special. Haha, sorry, I tend to write a lot, but I hope you feel less hopeless. Or, you could just think I'm crazy! And that's ok too, because I know what I say is true.

dang ashley, you need to write a book :) that's a lot of good advice

hear hear! true that SL, good advice!

ASHLEY! that's BRILLIANT! you said it best! don't think anyone could say it better! support u all the way girl! boys...take her advice to heart, she speaks the truth....the WHOLE truth!

Ashley Schmidt:
Haha, thanks guys, it's nothing much, I just do what I can to help a brother out! Because I know girls are confusing. I even think so! Haha, a book? It's crossed my mind once or twice when I think of these things, but only for a second. I'm no expert. But if you guys ever need any advice or whatever, you now know who's got a lot of probably unwanted advice. :) Here's a good quote for ya, "True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly." Nobody is perfect, but you will find someone who, in your eyes, is. And with these words, I leave you on your journey. Haha, don't you love that cheesiness? It makes me proud. And again, look how much I wrote! It's a sickness.

Ashley Schmidt:
Oh, and thanks NMF! You're sweet! And I totally agree with everything you said too!

I don't think you need a book ashley. Just copy and paste. haha jk

"True love does not come by finding the perfect person, buy by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly" we need to talk more about this stuff more often....

Ashley Schmidt:
Haha BR! True! And I will in fact probably copy and paste this to remember it and maybe post it in my blog. Although I won't include names of course. I did that before with another good facebook conversation I had where I had asked a question about guys, and some guys, and girls, answered me and I got some really good answers and different points of view. And SL, yes, it's true. Society makes us see things a certain way, but there is a lot more to it. And that stuff I said just comes from things I've learned in life so far and things I've learned in school. I guess some of those things came from a discussion we had in my humanities class about Carl Jung and his theory of individuation. And we read the myth, Amor and Psyche, which, at first hand seems like a story about a really stupid girl who gets everything handed to her, but it actually represents the process of individuation and her becoming her "whole" self. Anyways, those things, and that quote I actually found the day before I wrote it here, are how I answered these questions and maybe you could look into them yourself. I know they made me see things more clearly.

Ashley Schmidt:
But when it really comes down to it, just do what makes you happy and be with someone who makes you happy. There's no wrong choice, it's just that some people don't realize or haven't learned certain things about themselves and others, and so it doesn't always work out. And some people just aren't meant for each other. But there are plenty of people who it will work out with, or you'll find these things together. That's what life's about right? It's a journey. Ok, wow, just tell me to shut up already. I definitely don't talk this much, but when I get writing, it's easier for me to put down my thoughts. :)